What are the potential benefits for retail investors / consumers?
certified products: RIAA’s
Classifications can serve as a compass, allowing investors to identify the
varying degrees of consideration given to sustainability factors within each
investment product.
Making informed
choices: The transparency and
clarity offered by RIAA’s Classifications empowers investors to make
well-informed investment decisions. By offering critical information about each
product’s approach to aligning capital with achieving a healthy society, environment
and economy, it better enables investors to align their investments with their
confidence and trust: RIAA’s
Classifications provide investors with a basis to trust the sustainability of
products certified under the initiative, a reputable and leading program since
2005. Being the most popular voluntary fund labelling certification program of
its kind in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, this stamp of credibility is
particularly valuable for individuals seeking to invest responsibly, in a way
that reduces the risk of funds greenwashing.
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